Central Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra



**Registration is closed for 2024-25.  Please check back in April for registration for 2025-26.  




               Spring 2024 Concert (Symphony Orchestra) Photo Credit: Robert Rosen 


The Central Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra (CWYSO) is a regional symphony orchestra program serving middle school and high school student musicians within Portage, Wood, Waushara, Shawano, Waupaca, Adams, Juneau, Marathon, Lincoln and Langlade Counties with a full Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia, and extensive partnerships with nationally renowned faculty in the state-of-the-art facilities of the Noel Fine Arts Center on the UW-Stevens Point campus.

CWYSO was founded in 2014 in partnership with UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education, UW-Stevens Point Music Department, Aber Suzuki Center, Heid Music, and regional music educators in Central Wisconsin. Two full symphony orchestras comprised of over 60 students from over twenty different schools/districts-rehearse weekly in the state-of-the-art facilities at the Noel Fine Arts Center on the UW-Stevens Point campus. Students receive mentoring from top music majors and faculty of the UW-Stevens Point Music Department and Aber Suzuki Center faculty.

CWYSO is forever grateful to its founding Music Director/Conductor, Kurt Van Tiem, for his vision of creating a regional youth symphony program. 

Jodi Engum Kryshak was the founding Program Coordinator of the Central Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra Program (2014-2024). The Central Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra is eternally grateful for Jodi's tireless work and countless hours to keep this program thriving for 10 years through many challenges and changes.  In the transition to CWSO, Jodi offered her expertise and her services for an entire year to ensure a smooth transition and ensure CWYSO's continued success.  CWYSO will truly live on to be her legacy.  

Our Spring 2025 Concert is schedule for Sunday, April 6th, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. at SPASH.  


Our Misson:

The Central Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra provides a high quality symphonic performing experience for committed middle-level and high school students who, with other like-minded musicians, wish to perform great symphonic literature, raise their level of playing, and nurture their love of music.

Staff Members to assist you:

Stephan Wucherer, CWYSO Music Director/Symphony Orchestra Conductor, swucherer@cwso.org

Derek Carden, CWYSO Philharmonia Conductor, dcarden@cwso.org 

Christian Stromley, Program Manager, cstromley@cwso.org 

Alaina Kawleski, UWSP Student Program Assistant/Student Mentor, akawl766@uwsp.edu

Isa Wagner, UWSP Student Percussion Manager/Student Mentor 

Please note: CWYSO operates out of the CWSO office which is open 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Thursday.  However, we typically respond to emails within 1 business day or, 24 hours if the matter is more urgent.  


Pictured: (front-left to right) Lyssa Edwards, Helaina Wills; (middle-left to right) Steve Wucherer, Jodi Engum Kryshak, Colton Maichle; (last-left to right) Austin Bolden, Matthew McEwen and Kiara Menzia. not pictured: Christian Stromley


Founding Staff Members:

Pictured is Kurt Van Tiem,  Music Director/Symphony Orchestra Conductor Emeritus; Jodi Engum Kryshak, founding Program Coordinator; Stephan Wucherer, former Philharmonia Conductor and current Music Director/Symphony Orchestra Conductor.

Student Handbook - 2024-25 (for reference only)


Program Supporters:



Photo Credit:  Photographic Memories by The Oberstadts